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History of Upeksha Board Making

In 2016 Craig and friends started exploring and experimenting with board making. They set up a 'Toys Room' in his home (car park, work room, and guest bedroom).  They spent hours playing with ideas, seeing what worked best.  It soon became obvious there was much potential as the boards turned out to be of high performance and a joy to ride. The following photo essay will give you a sense of the progression from backyard building towards opening a production factory. 


Upeksha Kiteboards, Paknampran, Thailand
Upeksha kiteboarding racing
Upeksha kitebaording joy high performance
kiteboarding upeksha thailand
Carbon fiber kiteboards
kiteboarding handmade boards upeksha
surfboard handmade youth olympics
CNC kiteboard upeksha paknampran
Mold kiteboard making pranburi
kiteboard factory blessing
kiteboard making factory
Gawa Kiting board graphics
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